To promote research into population issues by young researchers, the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) and the Netherlands Demographic Society (NVD) together issue the yearly NIDI-NVD Thesis Award for the best Master Thesis in the field of interdisciplinary research into population studies/demography. The NIDI-NVD Master Thesis Award carries a €500 prize and a certificate. It is awarded during the Dutch Demography Day.
To qualify for this Award the Master thesis should:
- have a link with The Netherlands, either through the nationality, place of residence or university of the candidate, or through the choice of topic;
- have been successfully defended at a recent date (current or previous year);
- be an original Master thesis, a thesis may only compete once;
- be self-nominated by the student within the given deadline.
Check our news page to see how and when participants can submit their thesis this year.
An expert jury of NIDI and the Netherlands Demographic Society judges all qualified submissions and selects the laureate.