[in English only]
Date: vrijdag 20 november 2015
Location: NIDI, The Hague (Lange Houtstraat 19)
Early life circumstances can have long lasting effects on late-life labour market performance, health and mortality. Examples of adverse conditions during sensitive periods early in life that hamper cognitive development, labour market performance and health in later life include maternal health during pregnancy, diet, and economic crises. Examples of risks and opportunities that accumulate over the life-course include exposure to unhealthy lifestyles and education choice. The pathways from these conditions and choices in early childhood to late life wealth and health are either direct, through permanent but latent damage that manifests itself later in life, or indirect, via income development, life styles, reproductive behaviour, etc. Some can be mitigated, for example by means of policy interventions, while others cannot. Consequently when analysing health conditions and labour market performance in later life, focus should not only be on contemporary conditions and lifestyles, but also on conditions over the life course, beginning in early childhood.
This workshop will bring together researchers working from different disciplines, including economics, demography and epidemiology and will shed light on the life-course processes that influence labour market performance, demographic decision, older-age health and mortality.
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-13:10 Michel Belloni and Adriaan Kalwij (UU), Early-life conditions, lifetime income and mortality risk in Italy Discussant:
13:10-13:50 Laura Viluma (RUG),. et al., “The consequences of being born at a time of crisis: How early-life economic circumstances affect adult health. Discussant:
13:50-14:10 Tea break
14:10-14:50 Govert Bijwaard (NIDI) and Hans van Kippersluis, Efficiency of Health Investment: Education or intelligence? Discussant: Adriaan Kalwij
14:50-15:30 Aat Liefbroer (NIDI), Early life circumstances and demographic behaviour across the life course. Discussant: Rob Alessie
15:30-15:50 tea break
15:50-16:30 Bart Klijs (UMCG), The role of life course socioeconomic and lifestyle factors in the intergenerational transmission of the metabolic syndrome. Discussant: Raun van Ooijen
16:30-17:10 Maarten Lindeboom (VU), Bad potato: Harvest Failures, Prices, Undernutrition and Consequences for Longevity of Siblings Within a Family. Discussant: Marike Knoef
17:10-… Drinks