[English only]
The Netherlands Demographic Society (NVD) invites you to join the 17th edition of the Dutch Demography Day on Wednesday 12 February 2025, in the Academy Building of Utrecht University (Domplein). At the conference, the most recent findings in the field of population studies will be presented, including family and fertility, migrants and migration, health, mortality and longevity, population ageing, population growth and decline, and urbanization. The scientific programme comprises a Keynote Address and several rounds of English language parallel sessions, as well as a poster session.
Call for Abstracts
Abstracts from a wide variety of disciplines, including sociology, economics, health, history and planning, are invited. Abstracts (max 300 words) can be submitted here until Wednesday 20 November 2024. Authors will be informed in December whether their abstract has been accepted for presentation in one of the parallel sessions or for the poster session. Authors who wish to only present and pitch a poster, and not have an oral presentation in a parallel session, can indicate this preference when submitting an abstract.
Session proposals
At the conference, other formats than sessions, such as workshops, panel discussions and the like are invited. Write us (demografiedag@gmail.com) if you have a proposal (300 words) for a 60- or 90-minute time slot (3 or 4 presentations).
NIDI-NVD Master Thesis Award 2025
This Award honours the best Master Thesis in Population Studies in the Netherlands. Jointly sponsored by the NVD and the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI), the Award carries a certificate and a €500 prize. Master theses can be submitted until 25 October 2024 at demografiedag@gmail.com. The rules of play can be found here.
Participation is not possible without registering for the conference. Registration and payment will be possible on this website between 1 November 2024 and 12 January 2025.
Conference fees:
- NVD members: €65
- Non-members: €95
- New NVD members*: €100
- Bachelor & Master students** : €30
* Registration at DDD 2025 and NVD membership until 01-01-2026 (the member is responsible for withdrawing the subscription)
** Upon presentation of student card
The available space is limited, so early registration is advised. For more information, please contact us at demografiedag@gmail.com.